Monday, May 18, 2020

Keto tips for beginners

I get a lot of questions from ketos beginners so I thought about making a quick and concrete post about ketos:

6 bomb-proof tricks to achieve ketosis:

  • Forget the calories, do not count and do not reggae the food in lifesum or the like. It's not necessary.
  • Stroke all artificial and processed foods, including fiber husk, almond flour, coconut flour. Anything that is not food in itself should go away!
  • Take it easy with the protein and protein-rich foods such as chicken, cod, tuna, nuts and dairy.
  • Focus on animal fats such as butter, lard, egg / yolk, duck fat
  • Start the morning with fat on an empty stomach, only fat and nothing else.
  • Fast, workout or fat fast

It is excellent to drink their calories so if you start the morning with coffee or tea mix it with butter and coconut oil, it provides stable energy for several hours to come, it burns on the combustion and ketones and you feel GOOD! Lately, I have started mixing yerba maté with butter and coconut oil instead of coffee, and it will be fantastic!

You need

  • A mixer or stick mixer. I have a magic bullet that I am super happy with but please buy one in glass that holds for heat! Of course, pole mixes also work.

  • BUTTER and nothing else, I buy Kerrygold's grass-fed butter but Arla's usual butter salted or unsalted goes great!

  • Coconut oil! I do not like when my coffee tastes coconut so I think MM's odorless is best and it only costs 69: - so it is really affordable.

  • Brain Octane from Succeeder I recommend that you test at least once because it gives the ketones a boost and the brain becomes sharp like a laser. If you think it is too expensive then do not despair, it is not necessary just a fun thing to test.

  • MCT oil , also this one from MM but there are lots of places that sell MCT. It is good as exercise boost, good to have in the fat coffee and increases on the ketones. Some people like it, others don't, but it is worth a try anyway.

  • Ketostix from the pharmacy, a blood ketone meter or a ketonix. You absolutely do not have to have all of them, if you are new to ketos then test the knits. Blood glucose meters can also be interesting and they can be so they are still free!

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